Shallow Well Tool Donated to Ghana, Africa

Shallow Well Tool Donated to Ghana, Africa
We have experimented with a tool to dig shallow wells by hand. The attached picture taken in Kenya illustrates its simplicity. It is portable and only requires manpower to dig. The tool will work in many areas of Africa where the water table is high and the soil appropriate. Our vision is to teach the… Read More

Well Dedications
Every well is dedicated, blessed and celebrated. The picture shows a prayer of dedication to God and thanksgiving for the well by Africa Oasis Missionary Steve Evans with pastors and members of the community. Ken Corley shown dedicating a new well in Tanzania with Africa Oasis Project missionaries Ron and Gloria Hanson. As soon as the installation… Read More

She Slept By The Water Hole
One of our water partners, Africa Oasis Project described a story worth telling. The old woman made her way through the darkness to the water hole clutching a handful of food and a basin. Her plan, as in many nights before, was to eat the food, sleep by the hand dug trench and be the… Read More

A Half Million Baseball Cards
Don Demoss, a high school buddy, and I met at a class reunion. After sharing stories of our play days in sports, he asked, “what are you doing now?” I shared our mission of drilling wells in Africa. After listening intently, don said, “lets talk again, I may have a contribution for your booth. We… Read More